[R] nontabular logistic regression

Jeffrey Stratford stratja at auburn.edu
Fri Oct 13 16:28:23 CEST 2006

Hi.  I'm attempting to fit a logistic/binomial model so I can determine
the influence of landscape on the probability that a box gets used by a
bird.  I've looked at a few sources (MASS text, Dalgaard, Fox and
google) and the examples are almost always based on tabular predictor
variables.  My data, however are not.  I'm not sure if that is the
source of the problems or not because the one example that includes a
continuous predictor looks to be coded exactly the same way.  Looking at
the output, I get estimates for each case when I should get a single
estimate for purbank.  Any suggestions?

Many thanks,


THE DATA: (200 boxes total, used [0 if unoccupied, 1 occupied], the rest
are landscape variables).  

box	use	purbank	purban2	purban1	pgrassk	pgrass2	pgrass1	grassdist	grasspatchk
1	1	0.003813435	0.02684564	0.06896552	0.3282487	0.6845638	0.7586207	0	3.73
2	1	0.04429451	0.1610738	0.1724138	0.1534174	0.3825503	0.6551724	0	1.023261
3	1	0.04458785	0.06040268	0	0.1628043	0.557047	0.7586207	0	0.9605769
4	1	0.06072162	0.2080537	0.06896552	0.01936052	0	0	323.1099	0.2284615
5	0	0.6080962	0.6979866	0.6896552	0.03168084	0.1275168	0.2413793	30	0.2627027
6	1	0.6060428	0.6107383	0.3448276	0.04077442	0.2885906	0.4482759	30	0.2978571
7	1	0.3807568	0.4362416	0.6896552	0.06864183	0.03355705	0	94.86833	0.468
8	0	0.3649164	0.3154362	0.4137931	0.06277501	0.1275168	0	120	0.4585714


box.use<- read.csv("c:\\eabl\\2004\\use_logistic2.csv", header=TRUE)
box.use <- na.omit(box.use)
use <- factor(use, levels=0:1)
levels(use) <- c("unused", "used")
glm1 <- glm(use ~ purbank, binomial)


                     Estimate Std. Error   z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)        -4.544e-16  1.414e+00 -3.21e-16    1.000
purbank0            2.157e+01  2.923e+04     0.001    0.999
purbank0.001173365  2.157e+01  2.067e+04     0.001    0.999
purbank0.001466706  2.157e+01  2.923e+04     0.001    0.999
purbank0.001760047  6.429e-16  2.000e+00  3.21e-16    1.000
purbank0.002346729  2.157e+01  2.923e+04     0.001    0.999
purbank0.003813435  2.157e+01  2.923e+04     0.001    0.999
purbank0.004106776  2.157e+01  2.067e+04     0.001    0.999
purbank0.004693458  2.157e+01  2.067e+04     0.001    0.999

Jeffrey A. Stratford, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Associate
331 Funchess Hall
Department of Biological Sciences
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849
FAX 334-844-9234

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