[R] Object attributes in R

dhinds at sonic.net dhinds at sonic.net
Fri Oct 13 01:05:10 CEST 2006

dhinds at sonic.net wrote:

> What I've done is to define a subclass that keeps attributes, that can
> be added to any object, shown below.  The keep.attr() function is
> supposed to return just user attributes but I'm not sure if my list of
> special ones is complete.

Sorry, the following version should be better.

-- David Hinds


keep.attr <- function(x)
    a <- attributes(x)
    a[c('names','row.names','class','dim','dimnames')] <- NULL

keep <- function(.Data, ..., .Attr=NULL)
    cl <- union('keep', class(.Data))
    do.call('structure', c(list(.Data, class=cl, ...), .Attr))

'[.keep' <- function(.Data, ...) 
keep(NextMethod(), .Attr=keep.attr(.Data))

'[<-.keep' <- function(.Data, ...)
keep(NextMethod(), .Attr=keep.attr(.Data))

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