[R] applying cor.test in two different but matched dataframes

Mark Lyman mark.lyman at gmail.com
Fri Nov 17 22:40:26 CET 2006

Gabriele Stocco <stoccog <at> units.it> writes:

> Dear R help,
> I have two dataframes with the same number of rows and columns. Each
> column is for a patient, each row for a variable. The columns and rows
> are matched in the two dataframes, so that each patient (column) and
> each variable (row) has the same position in the two dataframes. The
> values are different since each dataframe reports data from a
> different way to measure the same variables in the sampe patients.
> How can I make a cor.test, applying the function row by row in the two
> different dataframes, possibly without merging them?
> Thanks,
> Gabriele Stocco
> University of Trieste


# Create Data Frames With Rows as Variables

# Convert to Lists So that Each Element of List is a variable

# Use mapply to apply function to the two lists; see ?mapply

Mark Lyman

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