[R] axis command and excel time format
Gabor Grothendieck
ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 10:38:40 CET 2006
You are using two different x's and one has nothing to do with the other.
All of your examples are simply internally inconsistent so there is no
reason to think they would work.
On 11/9/06, Carmen Meier <carmei3 at web.de> wrote:
> Gabor Grothendieck schrieb:
> > Please provide a complete self contained example. I can't follow the
> > partial code below; however, its likely you are plotting one thing
> > and creating axes using another so there is no reason it should
> > come out right.
> You are right .. seems to be that it was too late at night ...
> But I tried the right code and sent the wrong one ... the problem is
> still there
> library(zoo)
> library(chron)
> time <-
> c("2:25:00","2:26:00","2:27:00","2:28:00","2:29:00","2:30:00","2:31:00",
> "2:32:00","2:33:00","2:34:00","2:35:00","2:36:00","2:37:00","2:38:00",
> "2:39:00","2:40:00","2:41:00","2:42:00","2:43:00","2:44:00","2:45:00",
> "2:46:00","2:47:00","2:48:00","2:49:00","2:50:00","2:51:00","2:52:00",
> "2:53:00","2:54:00","2:55:00","2:56:00","2:57:00","2:58:00","2:59:00",
> "3:00:00","3:01:00","3:02:00","3:03:00","3:04:00","3:05:00","3:06:00",
> "3:07:00","3:08:00","3:09:00","3:10:00","3:11:00","3:12:00","3:13:00",
> "3:14:00")
> min_time <- min(times(time))
> max_time <- max(times(time))
> duration <- max_time-min_time
> h <- hours(duration) # not nessesary here
> m <- minutes(duration)
> par(cex=1.2,lwd=1)
> range(x <- c(0,m)) #50 minutes
> range(y <- c(0,10))
> plot(x,y, type="n",adj=0, asp=0, xlab="",
> ylab="",axes=FALSE,font.axis=2)
> # axis(1, 0:m,font=2) # works fine but not with times
> #---------- your suggestion --------
> mn <- times(min_time)
> mx <- times(max_time)
> n <- 12
> x <- times(seq(mn, mx, length = n))
> x <- times(unique(sub("..$", "00", x)))
> axis(1, x, sub(":00$", "", x)) # works only with plot data before
> #----------------------
> axis(2, 0:10,font=2)
> box()
> Best regards Carmen
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