[R] axis command and excel time format

Carmen Meier carmei3 at web.de
Thu Nov 9 08:14:43 CET 2006

Gabor Grothendieck schrieb:
> Please provide a complete self contained example.  I can't follow the
> partial code below; however, its likely you are plotting one thing
> and creating axes using another so there is no reason it should
> come out right.
You are right  .. seems to be that it was too late at night ...

But I tried the right code and sent the wrong one ... the problem is 
still there

time <- 
    min_time <- min(times(time))
    max_time <- max(times(time))

    duration <- max_time-min_time
      h <- hours(duration) # not nessesary here
    m <- minutes(duration)
    range(x <- c(0,m)) #50 minutes
    range(y <- c(0,10))
    plot(x,y, type="n",adj=0, asp=0, xlab="", 
#    axis(1, 0:m,font=2) # works fine but not with times

#---------- your suggestion --------
 mn <- times(min_time)
 mx <- times(max_time)
 n <- 12

 x <- times(seq(mn, mx, length = n))

 x <- times(unique(sub("..$", "00", x)))

 axis(1, x, sub(":00$", "", x)) # works only with plot data before
    axis(2, 0:10,font=2)

Best regards Carmen

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