[R] Book: Multilevel Modeling in R ETA?

Zev Ross zev at zevross.com
Wed Mar 1 20:01:13 CET 2006

Hi R folks (Dr. Bates in particular),

In August 2005, Dr. Bates mentioned that the documentation for lme4 
"will be in the form of a book with the working title 'Multilevel 
Modeling in R'" and I'm just wondering if there is an estimated date of 
publication or if it's still a long way off. The Rnews article does a 
great job of introducing the package, but I'm looking forward to more 

Thank you, Zev

Zev Ross
*ZevRoss Spatial Analysis*
303 Fairmount Ave
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 277-0004 (phone)
(866) 877-3690 (fax toll-free)
zev at zevross.com

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