[R] Help with matrix manipulation

Kartik Pappu kartik.pappu at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 08:44:04 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I have a square (a x a) matrix with values in a range. For example:

      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]   -5   -1    3   -4
[2,]   -4    0    4   -3
[3,]   -3    1    5   -2
[4,]   -2    2   -5   -1

I want to take any number smaller than -4 (in this example -5) and
replace it with -4 and similarly take any number greater than 3 (in
this case 4 and 5) and replace it with 3. The other numbers (and the
overall structure of the matrix should remain unchanged.

Seems like something that would use an "if a<b then c else d" kind of
logic, but I cannot figure out how to manipulate the entire matrix.

Thanks much


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