[R] Improving R-Intro {was "Wikis etc."}
Martin Maechler
maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Jan 11 11:18:30 CET 2006
>>>>> "David" == David Forrest <drf5n at maplepark.com>
>>>>> on Mon, 9 Jan 2006 11:54:30 -0600 (CST) writes:
David> Since R has such an extensive set of extensions,
David> maybe we need a section in the R-intro documentation
David> near
David> http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html#Writing-your-own-functions
David> titled "Finding existing functions". It could
David> explain the difference between base and recommended,
David> installed, CRAN, and how someone can find and use
David> things in these areas using help(), '?',
David> help.search(), help.start(), RSiteSearch(), and the
David> mailing lists.
That's a good suggestion.
The file to improve is the texinfo source file (the *.html is
produced from it, as well as the *.pdf version of the manual),
is always available from the subversion archive (as all the rest of
the R sources, past and present), the intro manual being
So, yes, we'd welcome (a patch against / an improved version of)
the above file!
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