[R] A comment about R:
Philippe Grosjean
phgrosjean at sciviews.org
Mon Jan 2 12:00:08 CET 2006
Kort, Eric wrote:
>>Kjetil Halvorsen wrote...
>>Readers of this list might be interested in the following commenta about R.
>>In a recent report, by Michael N. Mitchell
>>says about R:
>>"Perhaps the most notable exception to this discussion is R, a language for
>>statistical computing and graphics.
> -------8<-----------------------------------------
> After reading this commentary a couple of times, I can't quite figure
> out if he is damning with faint praise, or praising with faint damnation.
> (For example, after observing how many researchers around me approach
> statistical analysis, I'd say discouraging "casual" use is a _feature_.)
There are numerous reasons why people tend to consider R as too
complicate for them (or even worse, say peremptively to others that R is
too complicate for them!). But one must decrypt the real reasons behind
what they say. Mostly, it is because R imposes to think about the
analysis we are doing. As Eric says, it is a _feature_ (well, not
discouraging "casual" use, but forcing to think about what we do, which
in turn forces to learn R a little deeper to get results... which in
turn may discourage casual users, as an unwanted side-effect). According
to my own experience with teaching to students and to advanced
scientists in different environments (academic, industry, etc.), the
main basic reason why people are reluctant to use R is lazyness. People
are lazy by nature. They like course where they just sit and snooze.
Unfortunatelly, this is not the right way to learn R: you have to dwell
on the abondant litterature about R and experiment by yourself to become
a good R user. This is the kind of thing people do not like at all!
Someone named Dr Brian Ripley wrote once something like:
"`They' did write documentation that told you [...], but `they'
can't read it for you."
It is already many years that I write and use tools supposed to help
beginners to master R: menu/dialog boxes approach, electronic reference
cards, graphical object explorer, code tips, completion lists, etc...
Everytime I got the same result: either these tools are badly designed
because they hide the 'horrible code' those casual users don't want to
see, and they make them *happy bad R users*, or they still force them to
write code and think at what they exactly do (but just help them a bit),
and they make them *good R users, but unhappy, poor, tortured
beginners*! So, I tend to agree now: there is probably no way to instil
R into lazy and reluctant minds.
That said, I think one should interpret Mitchell's paper in a different
way. Obviously, he is an unconditional and happy Stata user (he even
wrote a book about graphs programming in Stata). His claim in favor of
Stata (versus SAS and SPSS, and also, indirectly, versus R) is to be
interpreted the same way as unconditional lovers of Macintoshes or PCs
would argue against the other clan. Both architectures are good and have
strengths and weaknesses. Real arguments are more sentimental, and could
resume in: "The more I use it, the more I like it,... and the aliens are
bad, ugly and stupid!" Would this apply to Stata versus R? I don't know
Stata at all, but I imagine it could be the case from what I read in
Mitchell's paper...
) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( ( Prof. Philippe Grosjean
) ) ) ) )
( ( ( ( ( Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems
) ) ) ) ) Mons-Hainaut University, Pentagone (3D08)
( ( ( ( ( Academie Universitaire Wallonie-Bruxelles
) ) ) ) ) 8, av du Champ de Mars, 7000 Mons, Belgium
( ( ( ( (
) ) ) ) ) phone: +, fax: +
( ( ( ( ( email: Philippe.Grosjean at umh.ac.be
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