[R] I am surprised (and a little irritated)

Gabor Csardi csardi at rmki.kfki.hu
Wed Apr 19 21:59:53 CEST 2006

On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 03:47:01PM -0400, Baoqiang Cao wrote:
> FYI: Installing and runing R on Fedora Core 5, as I witnessed, could never
> be easier.  

The thing is that i really believe that installing R on MOST linux
distributions takes just 10 seconds. Only you need to know the right
command. For that you need to read the manual.....

But i'm getting offtopic, sorry....


Csardi Gabor <csardi at rmki.kfki.hu>    MTA RMKI, ELTE TTK

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