[R] Problem with Crawley book example
Ronaldo Reis-Jr.
chrysopa at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 18:39:20 CEST 2006
I try to run the example of Crawley's Book on the page 661, but it fail, look
> repmeasures <-
> attach(repmeasures)
> rep <- as.factor(rep)
> library(nlme)
> model <- lme(height~seed,random=~time|rep/seed)
Erro em lme.formula(height ~ seed, random = ~time | rep/seed) :
iteration limit reached without convergence (9)
I try to increase the iteration but dont fix the problem.
I run this using R 2.2.1 on Debian/Linux and on Windows XP, the problem is the
Why this data dont run.
Seu proposito de guerrear dara frutos de inquietacao.
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