[R] error messages in matrix multiplication
Bob Green
bgreen at dyson.brisnet.org.au
Mon Oct 24 22:51:51 CEST 2005
I am hoping for some advice on using R - my experience with statistical
programs has been limited to SPSS.
I have been using a textual analysis program and wanted to add some rigour
to making a choice between two models of self-reported cannabis effects. To
do this, I need to compare the two resulting word co-occurence matrices.
The program itself,doesn't offer this as an option and the person who wrote
the program, told me where the numerical data was located and offered this
"For two vectors a and b, the cosine similarity is: therefore cos theta =
a . b / magn(a)*magn(b) & that the formula is really identical for
matrices. The dot product (or inner product) is calculated by multiplying
each pair of corresponding elements from the two matrices, and summing
these products. Calculating the magnitude of a matrix is really the same
as a vector: square each element of the matrix, sum the squares, then
take the square root of the sum."
I have been advised that when matrices are multiplied I should use %*%,
whereas if I want a point estimate I omit the %.
I have tried to run syntax with and without the %, however my efforts at
either syntax below (a) or syntax (b) remain unsuccessful.
With (a) I obtain the message - Warning message: Error in A %*% B :
non-conformable arguments
With (b) I obtain the message - Warning message:NAs produced by integer
overflow in: sum(A * A) * sum(B * B) :
(a) Matrix
testA <-read.table("c:\\matrixA.txt",header=T)
testB <-read.table("c:\\matrixB.txt",header=T)
cosineDissimilarity <- sum(A%*%B)/sqrt(sum(A%*%A)*sum(B%*%B))
(b) pointwise
testA <-read.table("c:\\matrixA.txt",header=T)
testB <-read.table("c:\\matrixB.txt",header=T)
cosineDissimilarity <- sum(A*B)/sqrt(sum(A*A)*sum(B*B))
Any suggestions are appreciated, regarding either the above logic about
analysis selection or the necessary syntax.
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