[R] combinging "plots"

v.schlecht@arcor.de v.schlecht at arcor.de
Fri Oct 21 11:59:49 CEST 2005

If I have one set of points Line 1: {(0,0.87),(0.1,0.88),(0.2,0.89)} and another set of points {(0,0.75),(0.1,0.76),(0.2,0.77)} I can easily produce two separate diagrams:


But what can I do if I want ONE diagram, which contains bots lines so that they can be compared? In other words: How can I put both sets of points as parallel functions together into ONE and the same graph? How could I put any number of sets of points (perhaps y1,y2,...,y8) which belong to the same x into the same graph? 

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