[R] Matrix calculations in R--erroneous?

Peter Muhlberger peterm at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Oct 7 18:49:40 CEST 2005

Does anyone know how -log(x) can equal 743 but -log(x+0)=Inf?  That's what
the following stream of calculations suggest:

Browse[2]> -log (   1e-323+yMat2 - yMat1 * logitShape(matrix(parsList$Xs,
nrow = numXs, ncol=numOfCurves), matrix(means, nrow = numXs,
ncol=numOfCurves, byrow=TRUE), matrix(sigmas, nrow = numXs,
ncol=numOfCurves, byrow=TRUE))   )[5,9]
[1] Inf


Browse[2]> logitShape(matrix(parsList$Xs, nrow = numXs, ncol=numOfCurves),
matrix(means, nrow = numXs, ncol=numOfCurves, byrow=TRUE), matrix(sigmas,
nrow = numXs, ncol=numOfCurves, byrow=TRUE))[5,9]
[1] 1

So, the logitShape component equals 1.

Browse[2]> yMat1[5,9]
[1] 1

So yMat1[5,9]*logitShape()[5,9]=1

Browse[2]> yMat2[5,9]
[1] 1

So, yMat2[5,9]-yMat1[5,9]*logitShape()[5,9]=0

Browse[2]> -log (   1e-323)
[1] 743.7469

So, -log( 1e-323)=743 while -log( 1e-323+0)=Inf ?

Any idea of a neat way to get around this?  Even if I put in 1e-50 I still
get Inf.  I deliberately included 1e-323 to insure the function didn't go to


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