[R] TRAMO-SEATS methodology

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Wed Oct 5 03:31:51 CEST 2005

On 4 October 2005 at 22:35, Soren Wilkening wrote:
| Dear Colleagues
| would someone know a suitable online-source for information
| regarding the TRAMO SEATS method for time series ?
| (an alternative to X12 ARIMA and earlier ARIMAs used by the US census 
| bureau)

Google is your friend -- It's been a while but the last time I looked I found
documents both at the Bank of Spain's website (where A Maravall is or was)
and as I recall some code at EuroStat (by former students of his).

Also, Gretl has an interface to tramo-seats. See

Gruesse, Dirk

Statistics: The (futile) attempt to offer certainty about uncertainty.
         -- Roger Koenker, 'Dictionary of Received Ideas of Statistics'

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