[R] plot of mice.mids objects

Roel de Jong dejongroel at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 12:57:05 CET 2005


it is impossible to plot a subset of the variables at the moment, but we 
could add it.

p.s. The latest version of mice is v1.14, which can be downloaded from 

Roel de Jong.

Leo Gürtler wrote:
> Hello...
> how can I plot mice.mids objects as described by Buuren (2000)
> http://web.inter.nl.net/users/S.van.Buuren/mi/docs/Manual.pdf
> page 17, if there are many variables (~80) with NAs included?
> mice runs well, but the plot is not possible because it seems that there 
> are too many variables.
>  > imp.temp <- mice(data.withnas, m=5)
>  > plot(imp.temp)
> Fehler in plot.new() : Grafikränder zu groß
> = error in plot.new(): boundaries of graphics too big/huge
> Is it possible to run the plot() sequentially, so that only a selected 
> part of the variables are plotted?
> Of course I can run mice() on a reduced dataset, but then the 
> estimations are different what is not useful here.
> thanks + best,
> leo

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