[R] client-server setup for R

Barry Rowlingson B.Rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Mar 24 17:06:20 CET 2005

roger bos wrote:

> And two people can't remote desktop into the server at the same time.

> So my restated question is, how do I share my server with other useRs?

  What OS is your server running? If you are running Windows Server 2003 
and have the requisite licenses, you should be able to have more than 
one person connect via Remote Desktop and run R.

  I'm guessing this 'Server' is just running vanilla Win XP or 2000.

  We have a lab of thin clients that connect to a Windows box running 
Win 2003 Server, and have no problem with multiple logins, multiple R 
sessions and so on.

  However our users seem to prefer to connect to the Linux service in 
the lab and use R on that!


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