[R] Package vignette and build

Giovanni Petris GPetris at uark.edu
Tue Mar 22 18:23:36 CET 2005


I am writing a package called 'DLM' containing a vignette. 
The vignette contains a chunck with the function call 'library(DLM)'. 
This worked fine with 'R CMD check DLM', but when it comes to building
the package with 'R CMD build DLM' I get the following error message:

* creating vignettes ... ERROR

Error:  chunk 1 
Error in library(DLM) : There is no package called 'DLM'
Error in buildVignettes(dir = ".") : Error:  chunk 1 
Error in library(DLM) : There is no package called 'DLM'
Execution halted

It looks to me as if I should have the package already installed
before building it...  I have read the article by F. Leisch on package
vignettes in R News 3/2 and looked at the source for 'strucchange',
but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

Any suggestions you can provide are more than welcome!

Thank you in advance,

> version
platform sparc-sun-solaris2.8
arch     sparc               
os       solaris2.8          
system   sparc, solaris2.8   
major    2                   
minor    0.1                 
year     2004                
month    11                  
day      15                  
language R                   


[                                                  ]
[ Giovanni Petris                 GPetris at uark.edu ]
[ Department of Mathematical Sciences              ]
[ University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, AR 72701  ]
[ Ph: (479) 575-6324, 575-8630 (fax)               ]
[ http://definetti.uark.edu/~gpetris/              ]

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