[R] Adobe Reader V7.0 for Unix/Linux Available

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at MedAnalytics.com
Thu Mar 17 15:39:00 CET 2005


A couple of updates here:

1. According to a post on the Fedora lists this morning and an article


the version 7.0 Adobe Reader that I referenced in my original post is
still a _Pre-Release_ version, NOT the final version.

If accurate, it would seem that there was some special arrangement made
for a particular Adobe customer and the link for the RPM and binary
installer managed to become public. This would help to explain why there
was no information on the Adobe site about this (notwithstanding the
various other online articles characterizing this as a release version).

2. In checking the Adobe site this morning, the Pre-Release Linux
version 7.0 is indeed now listed in the pull-down menu on the Reader
download page. Both the RPM and the binary installer are listed as

So it would seem that perhaps Adobe has reacted to the inevitability of
the publicity of this version and now made it generally available.

So far, I have been using this version without problems. However, since
it is a Pre-Release version, there may be as yet other unidentified

My apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone.

Marc Schwartz

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