[R] Request for help
Patrick Burns
pburns at pburns.seanet.com
Thu Jan 27 13:19:17 CET 2005
If I understand your problem properly, then your matrices have a
known number of zeros and ones in them. So you can create a
matrix with just this constraint binding via:
mat <- matrix(sample(rep(0:1, c(nzeros, nones))), nr, nc)
That command first generates the appropriate number of zeros and ones
(via 'rep'), then does a random permutation of them (with 'sample') and
finally turns it into a matrix.
You could then test for the row and column constraints, and permute
the sub-matrix of rows and columns that do not obey their constraints.
It could look something like:
mat[bad.rows, bad.cols] <- sample(mat[bad.rows, bad.cols])
where 'bad.rows' and 'bad.cols' are logical vectors stating if the
are satisfied or not.
You do not need to be a statistician to use R -- far from it. The
'Guide for the
Unwilling' gives you a brief introduction. There is also a lot of
material in the contributed documentation section of the R Project website.
It would be good to use a more descriptive subject for messages to R-help.
Patrick Burns
Burns Statistics
patrick at burns-stat.com
+44 (0)20 8525 0696
(home of S Poetry and "A Guide for the Unwilling S User")
Michela Marignani wrote:
> My name is Michela Marignani and I'm an ecologist trying to solve a
> problem linked to knight' s tour algorithm.
> I need a program to create random matrices with presence/absence (i.e.
> 1,0 values), with defined colums and rows sums, to create null models
> for statistical comparison of species distribution phenomena.
> I've seen on the web many solutions of the problem, but none provides
> the freedom to easily change row+colums constraint and none of them
> produce matrices with 1 and 0. Also, I've tryied to use R, but it is
> too complicated for a not-statistician as I am....can you help me?
> Thank you for your attention,
> so long
> Michela Marignani
> University of Siena
> Environmental Science Dept.
> Siena, Italy
> michela.marignani at uniroma1.it
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