[R] Two-factorial Huynh-Feldt-Test
Bela Bauer
bela_b at gmx.net
Fri Feb 18 09:05:15 CET 2005
I'm currently working on porting some SAS scripts to R, and hence need
to do the same calculation (and get the same results) as SAS in order to
make the transition easier for users of the script.
In the script, I'm dealing with a two-factorial repeated-measures anova.
I'll try to give you a short overview of the setup:
- two between-cell factors: facBetweenROI (numbering regions of
interest, 6 levels) and facBetweenCond (numbering conditions, 2 levels).
- one within-cell factor: facWithin (which numbers subjects, while
subjects are considered repetitions of the same measurement). This is
basically the repeatedness of the data.
For this data, I do anovas for several linear models. SAS also
calculates the Huynh-Feldt-Test, which is in this case very important to
the users and cannot be replaced with nlme or something of the kind (as
recommended in http://maths.newcastle.edu.au/~rking/R/help/03b/0813.html.
The models I use for the anovas are the following:
aov(vecData ~ (facWithin + facBetweenROI + facBetweenCond)^2)
aov(vecData ~ facBetweenROI + facBetweenCond %in% facWithin +
Error(facBetweenROI %in% facWithin))
aov(vecData ~ facBetweenCond + facBetweenROI %in% facWithin +
Error(facBetweenCond %in% facWithin))
SAS seems to calculate the Huynh-Feldt test for the first and the second
model. The SAS output is (for the second aov)
Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
roi 5 258.7726806 51.7545361 21.28 <.0001
Error(roi) 95 231.0511739 2.4321176
Adj Pr > F
Source G - G H - F
roi <.0001 <.0001
Greenhouse-Geisser Epsilon 0.5367
Huynh-Feldt Epsilon 0.6333
and for the first one:
Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
ord 1 2.2104107 2.2104107 0.24 0.6276
Error(ord) 19 172.7047994 9.0897263
Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F
roi*ord 5 10.37034918 2.07406984 2.89 0.0180
Error(roi*ord) 95 68.25732255 0.71849813
Adj Pr > F
Source G - G H - F
roi*ord 0.0663 0.0591
Now, to do this in R, I have a short (and not very thorough) description
of it in "Lehrbuch der Statistik", Bortz and I have the script from
Still, I can't figure out how to do this correctly in the two-factorial
way (and with the different models that SAS seems to use.) I'll attach
my code at the end, in case there's something that makes sense about it.
I've tried to do it in several ways, but this is the only one that gives
a somewhat reasonable result.
Can anyone give me a suggestion of how I could do this, where I could
find information about it etc? Google doesn't help much except more SAS
hf <- function(mtxCov,ncol,nrow) {
X <- mtxCov*(nrow-1)
r <- length(X[,1])
D <- 0
for (i in 1: r) D<- D+ X[i,i]
D <- D/r
SPm <- mean(X)
SPm2 <- sum(X^2)
SSrm <- 0
for (i in 1: r) SSrm<- SSrm + mean(X[i,])^2
epsilon <- (ncol^2*(D-SPm)^2) / ((ncol-1) * (SPm2 - 2*ncol*SSrm +
# 2. do variance-covariance matrices for conditions first
avCov2 <- matrix(rep(0,36),ncol=length(unique( roi )))
for (iCond in 1:length(preparedData[1,3:4])) {
mtx <- NULL
for (iROI in 1:length(unique( roi ))) {
mtx <- c(mtx,
preparedData[roi==unique(roi)[iROI],iCond + 4])
mtx <- matrix(mtx, ncol=length(unique( roi )), byrow=F)
avCov2 <- avCov2 + cov(mtx)
avCov2 <- avCov2 / length(preparedData[1,3:4])
length(unique( roi )),
length(unique( subj )))
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