[R] Data manipulation

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Wed Feb 9 07:33:06 CET 2005

thanks a lot  for the information, reshape did the job

> datars <-reshape(data, timevar="TERRCODE", idvar="BID", direction="wide")


200310413120660	22	0
200310413120660	273	0
200310413120660	280	0
200310413120660	467	0
200310413120660	468	0
200310413127001	5	0
200310413127001	50	0
200310413127001	53	13
200310413127001	54	11
200310413127001	72	0
200310413127001	89	0
200310413127001	671	0
200310413225032	1	0
200310413225032	3	0
200310413225032	6	0
200310413225032	51	0
200310413225032	52	21
200310413225032	53	21
200310413225032	54	21
200310413225032	55	13
200310413225032	57	11
200310413225032	72	0


200310413120660	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	
200310413127001	NA	NA	NA	NA	0	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	
200310413225032	0	NA	0	NA	NA	0	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA			
200310413225033	0	NA	0	NA	NA	0	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	
200310413225072	0	NA	0	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	0	NA	NA	0			
200310413225073	0	NA	0	NA	NA	0	NA	NA	NA	NA	0	NA	
200310413225074	0	NA	0	NA	NA	0	NA	NA	NA	NA	NA	0

Eric Lecoutre <lecoutre at stat.ucl.ac.be> schrieb am 08.02.05 08:55:46:


Have a look at:
? aggregate
? reshape


At 07:39 8/02/2005, you wrote:
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>Hi R-friends,
>i have large dataset in the following structure:
>BID is the code of my sample-area
>TERRCODE is the code for landscape characteristic for example: 640 ... sun 
>exposed, .....
>ANMCODE ist the value of the TERRCODE: for example 0 means "occuring", 1 
>means "often occuring", ......
>Now my question: is it possible to get a table with the folllowing structure:
>BID (TERRCODE)4 .... (TERRCODE)21 ......
>200310413290002 (ANMCODE)0 .... (ANMCODE)0 .......
>200310413290003 0 .... 0 ......
>200310413290004 0 .... 0 ......
>200310413290005 0 .... 21 ......
>200310413290006 0 ..... 25 ......
>in this example (TERRCODE) and (ANMCODE) is only for explanation and not 
>necessary for further analysis
>greetings from the snowy tyrol
>platform i386-pc-mingw32
>arch i386
>os mingw32
>system i386, mingw32
>major 2
>minor 0.0
>year 2004
>month 10
>day 04
>language R
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Eric Lecoutre
UCL /  Institut de Statistique
Voie du Roman Pays, 20
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

tel: (+32)(0)10473050
lecoutre at stat.ucl.ac.be

If the statistics are boring, then you've got the wrong numbers. -Edward 

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