[R] missing values

Frank E Harrell Jr f.harrell at vanderbilt.edu
Tue Apr 26 13:24:48 CEST 2005

Jonathan Baron wrote:
> On 04/26/05 09:58, Giordano Sanchez wrote:
>  Hello,
>  Thanks for the instructive responses. But two questions arise.
>  Firstable I can't manage to load the library "mice".
>  I'm using R 2.0.1 on my Debian
> The package called norm also has functions for missing data.
> When I tried it, the values it gave were not sensible for my
> problem, but I may have done something wrong.  (This was a simple 
> problem that did not involve multiple imputation.)
>  The second question is more statistical:
>  aregImpute() seems to give good results but i would like to compare the
>  different methods not just graphically. It'is possible?
> What different methods?  Compare how?  Are you assuming that we
> remember your last post?
>  I also have other meteorological stations that have correleted data with the
>  data station I'm using? Can I use those data to improve my imputation
>  method.
> This sounds like exactly what aregImput() is good for, or
> transcan(), depending on whether you need to make inferences (and 
> hence do multiple imputation).
> Jon

For those interested I have preprints of a paper comparing MICE, 
aregImpute, and transcan on the basis of simulations.

Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair           School of Medicine
                      Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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