[R] Re: [Hmisc] proposal for change in latex.summary.formula.reverse
Frank E Harrell Jr
f.harrell at vanderbilt.edu
Tue Sep 28 11:38:27 CEST 2004
Patrick Drechsler wrote:
> Hi,
> well, it wasn't a Sweave problem after all. Seems to have
> something to do with the function
> `latex.summary.formula.reverse' in the package Hmisc.
> Following change seems to help (at least for my purpose):
> --8<------------------------schnipp------------------------->8---
> *** /usr/local/lib/R/library/Hmisc/R/Hmisc 2004-09-28 07:37:26.000000000 +0200
> --- /usr/local/lib/R/library/Hmisc/R/Hmisc.original 2004-09-28 07:38:28.000000000 +0200
> ***************
> *** 16156,16162 ****
> 'Numbers after percents are frequencies.',
> sep="\n")
> if(length(testUsed))
> ! legend <-paste(legend,'\n\n',
> if(length(testUsed)==1)'Test used:' else 'Tests used:',
> if(length(testUsed)==1) paste(testUsed,'test') else
> paste(paste('$^{',1:length(testUsed),'}$',testUsed,
> --- 16156,16162 ----
> 'Numbers after percents are frequencies.',
> sep="\n")
> if(length(testUsed))
> ! legend <-paste(legend,'\\\\\n','\n\n',
> if(length(testUsed)==1)'Test used:' else 'Tests used:',
> if(length(testUsed)==1) paste(testUsed,'test') else
> paste(paste('$^{',1:length(testUsed),'}$',testUsed,
> --8<------------------------schnapp------------------------->8---
> But since my knowledge of R is rather small I have no idea if
> these has any other drawbacks.
> Any comments?
> How would I go about changing this for my setup only? Is
> renaming Hmisc to something like pdHmisc ok?
That's not the way to go. It's best to contact the package maintainer
(e.g., me) with a request. I did not save your first message as it did
not refer to Hmisc or latex.* so if you can send it to me, state the
problem, and show me the exact portions of commands you are suggesting
to change, I'll try to incorporate into the master file.
Frank Harrell
> Patrick
Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chair School of Medicine
Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University
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