no plots in for loop (was RE: [R] (no subject))

Liaw, Andy andy_liaw at
Sun Sep 26 22:14:04 CEST 2004

1. Please use a meaningful subject, as the Posting Guide asked you to.

2. You need to wrap xyplot() (or any other lattice plotting functions) in
print().  I believe this is in the FAQ.


> From: Martin Heller
> Hello R help mailing list,
> I'm having difficulty saving a series of figures in an
> analysis.  I have attempted to save them in a for loop with
> the following code: 
> for(i in 1:20){
> 	sF<-paste("fig",i,".jpeg",sep="")
> jpeg(file=sF,width=600,height=500,quality=100,pointsize=12)
> 	attach(plotData)
> 	xyplot(CHC~1:13),
> 	detach(plotData)
> }
> If I break apart the for loop and write the code 20 times,
> the images save correctly.  When I run the for loop the
> saved images are blank.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated,
> Martin
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