[R] Problems with randomForest for regression
jmoreira at fe.up.pt
Wed Oct 13 19:21:22 CEST 2004
Dear list,
I am trying to do a benchmark study for my case study. It is a regression
problem. Among other models I use randomForest.
Using the following code the result is around 0.628, and this make sense
comparing with other methods. The Theil function implements Theil's U
statistic. I do not present the definition of some variables because it is not
important to understand my problem. I use sliding window trategy.
rf.theil <- vector()
for (i in 1:6)
eval.sum <- 0
while (test.pos <= n)
naive.pred <- c(orig.data[test.pos-1,7])
model <- randomForest(Duracao ~ ., data=orig.data[1:(test.pos-1),],
na.action=na.omit, ntree=5000, mtry=i)
preds <- predict(model,orig.data[test.pos:min(n,test.pos+relearn.step-
test.pos <- test.pos+relearn.step
a<-theil(preds, naive.pred, orig.data[test.pos:min
if (is.na(a)==FALSE) {eval.sum <- eval.sum + a}
rf.theil <- c(rf.theil, eval.sum/(trunc((n-test.pos.ini)/relearn.step)+1))
rf.min <- min(rf.theil, na.rm=TRUE)
rf.indices <- seq(along=rf.theil)[rf.theil == rf.min]
But running 5 times randomForest for each value of i, and choosing the best
result according U statistic, I got a value around 0.178... And this value
does not make sense. I use the some strategie with nnet and it gives good
results. The code is:
rf.theil <- vector()
for (i in 1:6)
eval <- 100000
eval.sum <- 0
while (test.pos <= n)
naive.pred <- c(orig.data[test.pos-1,7])
for (j in 1:5)
model <- randomForest(Duracao ~ ., data=orig.data[1:(test.pos-1),],
na.action=na.omit, ntree=5000, mtry=i)
preds <- predict(model,
eval.temp <- theil(preds, naive.pred,
if (eval.temp < eval)
eval <- eval.temp
if (is.na(eval)==FALSE)
eval.sum <- eval.sum + eval
test.pos <- test.pos+relearn.step
rf.theil <- c(rf.theil, eval.sum/(trunc((n-test.pos.ini)/relearn.step)+1))
rf.min <- min(rf.theil, na.rm=TRUE)
Thanks for any help
Joao Moreira
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