[R] reading Systat into R

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at MedAnalytics.com
Fri Oct 8 21:19:12 CEST 2004

On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 14:02, Jacob Wegelin wrote:
> How do I read a Systat file into R?  The  following email by Marc Schwartz
> http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/04/06/1005.html deals with reading Systat on
> a Linux machine.  I'm running R on Windows (precise version info below).  A colleague
> sent me data in systat, a *.SYD file.  Do I have to ask the colleague to re-save the
> data as Excel or text?
> (I tried opening it in SPSS, and SPSS also does not seem to recognize an SYD file.)
> Thanks for any info.
> Jake Wegelin


Stat/Transfer does support reading SYSTAT files on Windows. The "W"
logos on the formats page
(http://www.stattransfer.com/html/formats.html) indicate that those
other particular formats are available on Windows only. SYSTAT file
support is available on each supported OS.

There are inexpensive academic/student prices available for
Stat/Transfer if this is something that makes sense to invest in. If
this is going to be a one-time issue, I would have your colleague
re-save the data file to an ASCII CSV file, if possible.



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