[R] Explaining Survival difference between Stata and R

Paul Johnson pauljohn at ku.edu
Tue May 11 01:59:46 CEST 2004

Dear Everybody:

I'm doing my usual "how does that work in R" thing with some Stata 
projects.  I find a gross gap between the Stata and R in Cox PH models, 
and I hope you can give me some pointers about what goes wrong.  I'm 
getting signals from R/Survival that the model just can't be estimated, 
but Stata spits out numbers just fine.

I wonder if I should specify initial values for coxph?

I got a dataset from a student who uses Stata and try to replicate in R. 
I will share data to you in case you want to see for yourself.  Let me 
know if you want text or Stata data file.

In R, I try this:

 > cox2 <- coxph(Surv(yrs2,ratify)~ accession+ haz.wst+ haz.in +haz.out+ 
wefgov+ rle+ rqe + pol.free +tai.2001 + ny.gdp.pcap.pp.cd + eio, 
data=dat3, control=coxph.control(iter.max=1000),singular.ok=T)
Warning message:
Ran out of iterations and did not converge in: fitter(X, Y, strats, 
offset, init, control, weights = weights,

So I wrote out the file exatly as it was in R into Stata dataset

 > write.dta(dat3,"cleanBasel.dta")
Warning message:
Abbreviating variable names in: write.dta(dat3, "cleanBasel.dta")

Here's the Stata output:

. use "/home/pauljohn/ps/ps909/AdvancedRegression/duration_2/cleanBasel.dta"
(Written by R.              )

. stset yrs2, failure (ratify)

      failure event:  ratify != 0 & ratify < .
obs. time interval:  (0, yrs2]
  exit on or before:  failure

 > --
        21  total obs.
         0  exclusions
 > --
        21  obs. remaining, representing
        21  failures in single record/single failure data
        78  total analysis time at risk, at risk from t =         0
                              earliest observed entry t =         0

. stcox accessin haz_wst  haz_in  haz_out  wefgov  rle  rqe  pol_free 
tai_2001 ny_gd  eio, robust
 >  nohr

          failure _d:  ratify
    analysis time _t:  yrs2

Iteration 0:   log pseudo-likelihood = -49.054959
Iteration 1:   log pseudo-likelihood = -45.021682
Iteration 2:   log pseudo-likelihood = -44.525187
Iteration 3:   log pseudo-likelihood = -44.521588
Iteration 4:   log pseudo-likelihood = -44.521586
Refining estimates:
Iteration 0:   log pseudo-likelihood = -44.521586

Cox regression -- Breslow method for ties

No. of subjects       =           21               Number of obs   = 
No. of failures       =           21
Time at risk          =           78
                                                    Wald chi2(11)   = 
Log pseudo-likelihood =   -44.521586               Prob > chi2     = 

              |               Robust
           _t |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|
     accessin |  -1.114101   .6343663    -1.76   0.079
      haz_wst |   2.32e-08   1.08e-07     0.22   0.829
       haz_in |   3.78e-06   2.46e-06     1.54   0.124
      haz_out |  -3.80e-07   3.76e-07    -1.01   0.312
       wefgov |   2.139127   .9136992     2.34   0.019
          rle |   1.827482   1.500878     1.22   0.223
          rqe |  -3.126696   1.332069    -2.35   0.019
     pol_free |  -.4498276    .291764    -1.54   0.123
     tai_2001 |  -2.895922   2.577401    -1.12   0.261
     ny_gd___ |  -.0003223   .0002194    -1.47   0.142
          eio |  -.0577773   .0726064    -0.80   0.426

                                  last observed exit t =         7


Paul Johnson
Dept. of Political Science
University of Kansas

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