[R] "Statistiques avec R"

pallier pallier at lscp.ehess.fr
Sun Mar 7 13:21:56 CET 2004

Shigeru Mase wrote:

> Probably you may be curious about the mysterious author
> of "Statistiques avec R" as well as me.  He seems a mathematician.
> I found one more extraordinary work of him.
> http://tex.loria.fr/prod-graph/zoonekynd/metapost/metapost.html
> He made Metapost (a kind of Metafont software which produces
> ps outputs) a statistical graphics software. Look and have a fun!

Vincent Zoonekynd is *not* the creator of Metapost. John D. Hobby is 
(cf. http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/hobby/index.html).

Vincent Zoonekynd indeed has a ph.D. in maths from the university of 
Paris 7 (Jussieu). On his homepage (http://zoonek.free.fr/), he says he 
is looking for a job in computer science or bioinformatics (last update: 
october 2003). The job market is very gloomy for young scientists in 
France. I do not know if he's looking for a job in a foreign country, 
but his CV indicates that he speaks English, and has a medium level in 

He wrote the "Statistiques avec R" notes while learning R. I like these 
pages very much too, but they are notes taken by a mathematician 
learning statistics. In some parts, he has not yet fully grasped all the 
concepts (but he indicates this, and he's stressing that this is a work 
in progress). This remark does not detract from the quality and the 
usefulness of his work.

Christophe Pallier

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