[R] Issue with ROracle and results not being returned

Coburn Watson cpwww at comcast.net
Wed Jun 30 01:23:15 CEST 2004


I am using ROracle 5.5 with R 1.8.1. I am connecting to an oracle database
, issuing a query and attempting to fetch data from the result set.  I can see my 
session in the oracle database as well as the sql which was executed (including number of blocks hit, etc). 
 I have also verified that the SQL returns a valid result set from sqlplus.

Below is a sample trace of my session:

> library(ROracle)
> drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")
> con <- dbConnect(drv,"perf/perf at pc2ac1")
> rs1 <- dbSendQuery(con, statement = paste ("SELECT distinct api FROM et_log_data order by api"))
> df<- fetch(rs1,n=-1)
> summary(rs1,verbose=T)
  Statement: SELECT distinct api FROM et_log_data order by api
  Has completed? yes
  Affected rows: 0
  Rows fetched: -1
  name    Sclass     type len precision scale isVarLength nullOK
1  API character VARCHAR2  50         0     0        TRUE  FALSE
> summary(df,verbose=T)
 Class :character
 Mode  :character
> df
[1] API
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
> q()

Any ideas on why the data cannot be retrieved into the df object?   Please remove "_nospam" from email address to email me directly.  
Any help would be appreciated.


(sample output from query via sqlplus)
SQL> SELECT distinct api FROM et_log_data order by api
  2  ;

.... 54 total rows returned

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