[R] (no subject)

Sixten Borg sb at ihe.se
Thu Jan 8 14:01:54 CET 2004


I have trouble converting a character string to a R object. Let me describe this by an example;

> dim(a)
[1] 270  14
> dim("a")

> names(a)
 [1] "Var1"  "Var2"  "Var3"  "Var4"  "Var5"  "Var6"  "Var7"  "Var8"  "Var9" 
[10] "Var10" "Var11" "Var12" "Var13" "Var14"
> names("a")

I realise that the character string lacks both a dimension and any column names; my question is how to make R understand that I look for the object a when I write "a".

Like a type cast in C;      (R data.frame) "a"      for those familiar with C.

The underlying reason for this is that I am writing a script that imports several datasets. The file names of the datasets contain the '_' character which forces me to construct a valid dataset name for each file. Although I can do this by hand, I would like to know if there is any solution to my first approach.

Thanks in advance,

Sixten Borg

Box 2127
S-220 02 Lund

tel: +46 46 32 91 07
fax:+46 46 12 16 04

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