[R] matrix inverse in C

Kosuke Imai kimai at princeton.edu
Sat Feb 28 04:36:51 CET 2004

  I'm writing an R package using the C code i've written. I'm wondering if
anyone knows an easy way to calculate an inverse and cholesky factor of a
matrix using the Fortran/C library of R: and how to call them from C. My
code is based on the Numerical Reciepe code, and I'm trying to use
something that is already in R.
Thanks for your help in advance,

Kosuke Imai               Office: Corwin Hall 041
Assistant Professor       Phone: 609-258-6601 (Direct)
Department of Politics    Fax: 609-258-1110 (Department)
Princeton University      Email: kimai at Princeton.Edu
Princeton, NJ 08544-1012  http://www.princeton.edu/~kimai

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