[R] [R-pkgs] New package -- mvpart
Glenn Death
g.death at aims.gov.au
Tue Feb 17 19:28:22 CET 2004
The package mvpart is now available.
mvpart includes partitioning based on (1) multivariate numeric responses and
(2) dissimilarity matrices.
The package mvpart is a modification of rpart --
-- authors of original: Terry M Therneau and Beth Atkinson
<atkinson at mayo.edu>, and
R port of rpart Brian Ripley <ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk>.
Includes some modified routines from vegan -- Jari Oksanen
<jari.oksanen at oulu.fi>
Thanks and credit to all the above.
Modifications of rpart to mvpart by Glenn De'ath <g.death at aims.gov.au>.
It was not possible to simply build a separate packge which required RPART due
to the modifications to the rpart C-code necessary to include the 2 new
partitioning methods.
As few changes as possible have been made to rpart.
In addition to the changes in the C-code, the following changes and
additions in
R-functions have been made.
(1) A wrapper function for rpart called mvpart supports selection of trees
by x-validation,
interactive display, printing of results etc.
(2) Some multivariate methods to deal with representation and
interpretation of multivariate
partitioning objects have been added. These include PCA plots and
tree-cluster comparisons.
(3) Methods for calculating increased forms of dissimilarities and for
scaling matrices
have been added. These are designed in particluar for community
(3) text.rpart has been modified to include graphical annotation of nodes.
Glenn De'ath
Glenn De'ath
Australian Institute of Marine Science
PMB No 3, Townsville Mail Centre
Qld 4810, Australia
Ph: +61-7-4753-4314 or +61-7-4758-1979
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