[R] R CMD check testing environment

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Mon Aug 23 08:44:28 CEST 2004

Ross Boylan wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 22, 2004 at 06:58:56PM +0200, Uwe Ligges wrote:
>>Ross Boylan wrote:
>>>I can't tell from the docs  ("Writing R Extensions" 1.9.1) exactly what
>>>environment the tests, examples, and vignettes that R CMD check tries to
>>>run are in.
>>>In particular:
>>>1) how do I get the package loaded?
>>>2) how do I access data in the data/ directory?
>>>3) where is the material in the other directories?  (e.g., has inst/
>>>material been installed?  where?)
>>>Apparently (section 1.3) stuff in demo/ is not checked, which seems odd.
>>>By inspecting some other packages, it seems the answer to 1) is that the
>>>package is already loaded, so I don't need to say library(...).  In
>>>particular, I don't need to figure out what lib.loc is.
>>>I have some C code as part of the package, so that (well the .so file)
>>>needs to be loaded too.
>>Yes. You don't need library() in the the help pages' exmaples, but you 
>>need it in tests.
> So what should I use for lib.loc?

The default (i.e. you do not need to set it).

>>>2) Others seem to just say data(..), but this doesn't work for me.
>>>I created the data with
>>>save(gold, e2, q2, file="mspath/data/inputs", compress=TRUE)
>>>and later renamed the file to inputs.RData.  (check didn't think the
>>>file counted without the extension).
>>Indeed, the manuals tells us that saved images have to be called either
>>*.RData (note the capitalization) or *.rda.
>>>I have tried to access it in my test script (under tests/) with both
>>>load and data (e.g., data("inputs"), data("inputs.RData"),
>>>data(inputs)).  I get
>>>Warning message: 
>>>Data set 'inputs' not found in: data(inputs) 
>>Works for me as "Mytests.R" in "Mypackage":
>> library(Mypackage)
>> data(MydataInMypackage)
>> print(MydataInMypackage)
> Is this with MydataInMyPackage in the same directory as Mytests.R, or
> in data/.  I'm attempting the latter.

In ./data, or do you want to use the data for the tests *only*?

>>>For that matter, my assumed answer to 1) doesn't seem to be working out,
>>>because when I try to access one of my functions it tells me it can't
>>>find it.  The function name is the same as the package name.
>>>Perhaps the problem is I have inferred answers from \example{}, and the
>>>story for tests/ is different.
>>Right, see above.
>>>Although I'm currently focussed on running a script in tests/, I'd like
>>>to know what the story is for \examples in documentation or vignettes.
>>You won't need library() in the examples ...
> And it's also unnecessary for vignettes?

I haven't tried it out - why are you not trying it out yourself?
Other people are using library() in vignettes, so I'd just do it as well.

Uwe Ligges

>>>P.S. Is there a typical way to produce the .Rout.save file used in
>>>tests/?  What I'm doing is a slightly awkward 2-step process.
>>Running R CMD check once, looking whether the Rout looks fine (this 
>>should be the step that takes most of the time, and R can't do it for 
>>you), rename the file it, finished.
> OK, that's what I was doing.
>>Uwe Ligges
> Thanks.

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