[R] GLM with binomial distribution: a bug?

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Wed Aug 11 21:57:22 CEST 2004

The output is giving you the coefficients, which is what is supposed to

If you want an anova (more precisely, analysis of deviance) table use the
anova() function on your fitted model.


On Wed, 11 Aug 2004, [ISO-8859-1] André Tavares[ISO-8859-1] Corrêa Dias wrote:

> I’m trying to run a factorial model with binomial error distribution on R
> program but I had some problems.  I'm quite sure it is a bug and would like to
> know if it was alread corrected. The output don’t gives me the effects of
> factors, it mix the names of factors with the names of factor’s levels. For
> instances: specieserythroxylum ('species’ is the name of the factor
> and 'erythroxylum’ the name of one of the species used).
> I ran these same data and structure with an ANOVA and it worked well. Could it
> be some kind of bug or am I missing some step?
> Thanks and all the best.
> André
> -------------------------------
> André Tavares Corrêa Dias
> Laboratório de Ecologia Vegetal
> Departamento de Ecologia - IB
> Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
> Ilha do Fundão, CCS
> Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil
> CEP 21941-590    CP 68020
> Tel. (21)2562-6377
> -------------------------------
> André Tavares Corrêa Dias
> Laboratório de Ecologia Vegetal
> Departamento de Ecologia - IB
> Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
> Ilha do Fundão, CCS
> Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil
> CEP 21941-590    CP 68020
> Tel. (21)2562-6377
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Thomas Lumley			Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu	University of Washington, Seattle

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