[R] R graphics + non-R langs

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Sun Oct 12 17:32:13 CEST 2003

Timur Elzhov wrote:

> Hello, dear R experts!
> One of the first reasons I began to use R, was its beautiful
> plotting capabilities. I found them very nice and simple. But
> at the last time I consider another languages (Perl, Python) for
> coding my scientific applications. So for now, in order to plot graphics
> I have to write data to the disk, launch R separately, and run R script
> just to plot my data.
> I gave a glance at the other scientific plotting libraries (plplot,
> pgplot, dislin) - all of them support API of many languages.
> The question is: what about R graphics? Is it so hard to bind it with
> any non-R languages?

You are looking for the the packages RSPython and RSPerl from the 
Omegahat project http://www.omegahat.org/

Uwe Ligges

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