[R] Program Saving

kjetil@entelnet.bo kjetil at entelnet.bo
Fri Nov 14 02:20:19 CET 2003

On 14 Nov 2003 at 8:14, Ko-Kang Kevin Wang wrote:

> Hi,
> On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Marc-Antoine Vaillant wrote:
> > I have a very simple question. If a want to save a whole program (say more than 5 command lines), how can I proceed without each time using the command history (that allow me to recall previously saved command, but which is to long if you want to recall more than 5 command lines), or without saving to a text file and use copy/paste when I open a new R session (but in fact this doesn't work since when you copy your program to a text file, you copy the "<" or the "+" , and when you paste it back to a new R 
command sheet, you get syntax error since you now have double "<" (<<) and double "+" (++) at each line.
> Please wrap your text to something like 80 character per line...

Or even a little bit less ...

> Copy/paste works very well.  Instead of copying from your R session over 
> to a text editor, why don't you do it the other way round?  i.e. type your 
> R codes in your favourite editor, THEN copy/paste into R.  That way you 
> don't get any syntax error, and you have all your R codes saved into one 
> file.
> There are several good tools.  (X)Emacs/ESS is one of them (and it's the 
> one I prefer).  For beginners there is RWinEdt (a plugin, written by Uwe 
> Ligges, for WinEdt).  Both allows direct communication from the editor to 
> R....

Yes. But sometimes one wants to experiment, then it is usefull to 
 options(continue=" ")

Kjetil Halvorsen

> HTH.
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Kevin
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> "Try not.  Do, do!  Or do not.  There is no try"
>    Jedi Master Yoda
> ----
> Ko-Kang Kevin Wang
> Master of Science (MSc) Student
> SLC Tutor and Lab Demonstrator
> Department of Statistics
> University of Auckland
> New Zealand
> Homepage: http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~kwan022
> Ph: 373-7599
>     x88475 (City)
>     x88480 (Tamaki)
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