[R] "configure" options and R CMD INSTALL

Rajiv Prasad rajiv.prasad at charter.net
Mon Nov 10 01:10:23 CET 2003

Hi Dirk (and Tomomi):

Thanks for the quick reply.  I tried using
'--configure-args="--with-fftw-lib=/usr/local/fftw-3.0.1"', but it did not
help.  configure still fails at the same place:

checking for fftwnd_one in -lfftw... no
configure: error: Sorry, cant find fftw library. Please use --with-fftw-lib.
ERROR: configuration failed for package 'rimage'
** Removing '/usr/local/R-1.8.0/lib/R/library/rimage'

I tried downgrading to fftw-2.1.5, but that was no help either.  The error
message is still the same, at the same place during configuration.

It seems to me that configure is checking for the existance of a function
named "fftwnd_one" in the fftw library, and is not able to find it (2.1.5 as
well as 3.0.1).

Any more ideas?  Thanks.


P.S. I'm also copying this message to the rimage maintainer Tomomi
TAKASHINA.  Maybe he can help.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dirk Eddelbuettel" <edd at debian.org>
To: "Rajiv Prasad" <rajiv.prasad at charter.net>
Cc: "R-Help Mailing List" <r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch>
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: [R] "configure" options and R CMD INSTALL

> On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 10:02:00AM -0800, Rajiv Prasad wrote:
> > I separately compiled and installed fftw-3.0.1.  The problem seems to be
> > I need to provide "--with-fftw-lib" option to the configure script.  How
do I
> > do this?
> As options to R CMD INSTALL as per:
> edd at homebud:~/chibud/mm/pictures/tmp> R CMD INSTALL --help
> Usage: R CMD INSTALL [options] pkgs
> [...]
> Options:
>   -h, --help            print short help message and exit
>   -v, --version         print version info and exit
>       --configure-args=ARGS
>                         set arguments for the package's configure script
> (if any)
>       --configure-vars=VARS
>                         set variables for the configure script (if any)
> You may have to use quotes as e.g.
> $ R CMD INSTALL --configures-args="--with-fftw-lib=/opt/fftw3" rimage
> Hth, Dirk
> -- 
> Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
>                                                 -- Groucho Marx

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