[R] Can Package SEM do mean structural analysis?

Mitsuo Igarashi mitsu5 at ruby.famille.ne.jp
Thu May 29 14:07:40 CEST 2003

Dear John:

I can make it on your suggestion in mean structural analysis.

I appreciate so much and love your package sem.
I hope your package sem will be extended in near future.

John Fox <jfox at mcmaster.ca> wrote:

> Dear Mitsuo,
> My intention in writing the sem package was to provide a basic 
> structural-equation facility for R. I haven't made explicit provision for 
> models with means, but it might be possible to fit such models by using the 
> raw sums-of-squares-and-products matrix among the observed variables 
> (perhaps divided by n) as input.  It might be necessary to make small 
> modifications to degrees of freedom, etc.
Mitsuo Igarashi
mitsu5 at ruby.famille.ne.jp

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