SOLVED: Re: [R] help output paged in separate window

(Ted Harding) Ted.Harding at
Tue May 27 12:23:52 CEST 2003

On 27-May-03 Ted Harding wrote:
> 1. Create a file in your $PATH with name "pgr" containg the lines
>   #! /bin/bash
>   export HLPFIL=`mktemp R_hlp.tmp.XXXXXX`
>   cat > $HLPFIL
>   xterm -e less $HLPFIL &
> 2. Give R the command  options(page="pgr") where "pgr" can be replaced
>    by a full pathname if required.
> [...]
> If you use this a lot, you will find it handy to have a method of
> automatically deleting all the "R_hlp.tmp.XXXXXX" files you've created
> in a session.

For anyone who wants details of how to set all this up automatically, try
the following:

Edit your ~/.Rprofile to include (as well as anything else that's there):

  .Last <- function() {
    system("rm R_hlp.tmp.*")

and then this paging method will be set up at the start of every session,
and at the end of every session all of the temporary files will be

Best wishes to all,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 167 1972
Date: 27-May-03                                       Time: 11:23:52
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