[R] R doesn't support 3D histograms?
Andre.Dos.Anjos at cern.ch
Mon May 19 14:58:07 CEST 2003
I've been using R since a while now to make 2D histograms. I have
some data (appended) that would like to use to make a 3-D plot with x being
the first variable in the file, y the second and the height, or z the third
variable. How can I do it in R? I would like to have 3-D visualization of
this plot. Preferably as a lego plot, that is, a set of stacks that grow
with respect to the value of z, which have their delta x and delta y lengths
equivalent to the spacings between the values of x and y. Other people also
call it a 3-D histogram.
Regards, Andre.
Andre Rabello DOS ANJOS, M.Sc.
Signal Processing, Data Analysis and Computing
Office: 32-2-A06, Tel: (+ 41 22) 767 5022
Fax: (+ 41 22) 767 8420
CERN - EP/HC Division
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