[R] Howto calculate MS from a unbalanced data

Ronaldo Reis Jr. chrysopa at insecta.ufv.br
Tue Mar 25 20:19:11 CET 2003


I make a nested lme analysis, it is ok.
The estructure is:


It is no the exactly formula, but the teoretical formula. The real formula 
have a new variable with x/animal group.

Now I try to construct a nested lme table like the traditional anova table to 
presentation of the data.

| Source | SS | d.f. |    MS    | F  | P    |
    a           2                 1.9 0.1682
    b           21 
  resid         657   var(resid)
  Total   2222
For balanced data it is easy to complete. I use:

MSb = var(b)*n + var(resid)
MSa = var(a)*bn + MSb


var(a), var(b) and var(resid) are the variance component get by the 

MSb and MSa are my questions (Mean Square).

n is the number of samples in group x/animal (unbalanced)

b is the number of animal in x (balanced)

Howto calculate the n if it is different for each group?

Exist any other easy form to present the results?

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