[R] R and Latex's tables

Jonathan Baron baron at psych.upenn.edu
Tue Jun 24 11:46:20 CEST 2003

On 06/24/03 11:29, vincent.stoliaroff at socgen.com wrote:
>Hi R lovers!
>I have discovered recently that graph can be exported from R in a Latex
>compatible file
>thanks to the pictex command
>I would like to know if there is the equivalent while exporting datas.
>Let's say I have a matrix, a data.frame or a list that I would like to
>export as a flat text file that is immediatly transcripted into a table
>into latex
>Is there a macro or package that could transcript it with the tabular or
>array environment command, ...

The xtable package does a lot of this.

Jonathan Baron, Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
R page:               http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/

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