[R] HTML Help "Search Engine & Keywords" (Mac OS X)

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Jul 11 10:31:58 CEST 2003

>>>>> "bb2" == bb2  <bb2 at duke.edu>
>>>>>     on Thu, 10 Jul 2003 16:33:43 -0400 writes:

    bb2> Hi, I'm new to R having recently migrated from Splus
    bb2> 2000.  I'm having trouble using help.start().

    bb2> When I launch R help using help.start(), the index.html
    bb2> page comes up with the various manuals, etc.  If I
    bb2> click on one of the links, e.g.  Search Engine and
    bb2> Keywords, the next page (Keywords by Topic) comes up.
    bb2> However, if I click on any item, e.g. attributes,
    bb2> nothing at all happens.

    bb2> Any ideas on what is wrong and how to fix it?  I'm
    bb2> using R version 1.7.0 on Mac OSX.  R was installed
    bb2> using Fink.

Search engine things only work when your browser properly
supports Java.  This used to give problems for several versions
of Mozilla in the past, since that required to have a "JRE"
(Java runtime engine) being installed on your system and
properly ``plugged into'' the browser.

I have no idea how this looks on Mac OS X; note that you can
choose the kind of browser to be used as an argument to
help.start() or change its default using 
options(browser = "......").

Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>	http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum  LEO C16	Leonhardstr. 27
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology)	8092 Zurich	SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408		fax: ...-1228			<><

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