[R] parametros

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Fri Jul 4 22:54:44 CEST 2003

solares at unsl.edu.ar wrote:
> hello, sorry i´m a beginners in R, i use the version 1.6.1 

This one is outdated.

> for windows and 1.5.5 

Such a version was never released, and the below mentioned R-1.5.1 is

> This one for linux (susse),

I guess you mean SuSE?

> my question is about ¿how i cant to knowledge the parameter of a command tcltk
> in R?, in Windows i write
> tt<-tktoplevel()
> t <- tkmenu(tt)
> tkconfigure(tt,menu=t)
> a<- tkmenu(t, tearoff=FALSE)
> tkconfigure(a)
> and return the parameter. ¿How i can do this in R 1.5.1 for linux?. Sorry
> for the previous mail,its wrong (tkconfigure(a))

I don't have an R-1.5.1 on a linux machine around, but 

1) Please upgrade to a recent version of R and the tcltk package.
2) Was the Linux version compiled with tcl/tk support (and are the
required libraries installed on the system?)? If not, recompiling would
be neccessary anyway.

Uwe Ligges

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