[R] Summarizing levels for future commands

Suzanne E. Blatt SuzieBlatt at netscape.net
Wed Apr 16 13:17:23 CEST 2003


Thanks to those who have been responding to my query.

I've done the following, and get the following results:


"elm.american" "hawthorn" "ironwood"
    2                1        4



The first 'table' is fine, the 'which.max' part not.  Can I get it to actually use "ironwood", or is numeric all I can hope for?  I tried putting 'as.character' in front of the 'which.max' command but that didn't work.  The 'names(tbl)[match(max(tbl), tbl)]' also didn't work for me, claims it didn't know what the 'names' function was.

Any further suggestions most welcome,


>> samp = sample(1:10, 50, replace = TRUE)
>> table(samp)
> 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 
> 5  3  7  3  4  2  8  9  3  6 
>the most popular value is 8.
>As you can see, the table function tells you the frequencies of the
>values.  From that it is just a matter of extracting the index of the
>value with the maximum count and getting the label.
>> names(tbl)[match(max(tbl), tbl)]
>[1] "8"
>Hope this helps.

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