[R] Re: S-plus book

Stuart Luppescu s-luppescu at uchicago.edu
Fri Mar 15 16:03:39 CET 2002

On 金, 2002-03-15 at 01:52, Ott Toomet wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Francisco J Molina wrote:
>   |I would like to know if a book on S-plus could help me to learn R.
> As mentioned, MASS (modern applied statistics with S-plus) is a classical
> book for R.  You should only be aware that 
> - the book do not mention R at all
Didn't I hear a rumor that the 4th edition will mention R- and
S-specific differences (I assume in the same way as _S Programming_,
also by V & R)? Now, what am I going to do with my copies of the 1st and
3rd editions?
Stuart Luppescu -=- s-luppescu at uchicago.edu        
University of Chicago -=- CCSR 
才文と智奈美の父 -=-    Kernel 2.4.14-xfs                
Ah, but a man's grasp should exceed his reach,  Or 
 what's a heaven for ?   -- Robert Browning,
 "Andrea del Sarto" 
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