[R] Crosstabs in R
Martin Maechler
maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Jul 12 23:29:59 CEST 2002
>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Feldesman <feldesmanm at pdx.edu> writes:
Marc> Before I reinvent the wheel, I have need for a
Marc> relatively straightforward crosstabulation (2 x n)
Marc> function. I know that R has table(), ftable(),
Marc> xtabs(), and summary(xtabs()), but none of these
Marc> produce a fully "tricked" out cross-tabulation with
Marc> marginal totals, expected cell frequencies, and an
Marc> array of statistics about the contingency table.
Marc> Is there a more complete (something more along the
Marc> lines of SPSS output) crosstabulation function that
Marc> I've missed?
Marc> I've looked in all the usual places but can't seem to
Marc> find anything besides the functions listed above.
I was recently asked the same thing .. and wondered.
I did vaguely remember I had written something like that for
S-plus almost 10 years ago -- for teaching purposes.
Here is the result; the main function is printTable2()
it uses an auxiliary catCon().
Both of these reflect the style of programming I used to have in
the early nineties....
... and you should translate German to English.
Please improve and post back! ---> maybe all on R-devel instead
of R-help {and I *will* not be around for one whole week !}
Martin Maechler <maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch> http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler/
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum LEO C16 Leonhardstr. 27
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology) 8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408 fax: ...-1228 <><
-------------- next part --------------
printTable2 <- function(table2, digits = 3)
##-- 2-weg Kontingenztafel mit allem zusammen ... -- ruft catCon(.) auf
##-- Urspruneglich fuer NDK-Uebungen 1992
##-- Verbessert und Fehler korrigiert! : M.Maechler, Feb.1993
d <- dim(table2)
if(length(d) != 2)
stop("Argument muss numerische Matrix sein: Die (2-Weg) Kontingenz Tafel")
N <- sum(table2)
cat("\nKontingenz-Tafel mit Randsummen:\n")
catCon (table2, 0)
cat("\nGemeinsame Verteilung mit Randverteilungen:\n")
I <- d[1]; J <- d[2]; df <- (I-1)*(J-1)
r <- catCon (table2/N, digits)
joint <- r[1:I, 1:J]
xrand <- r[I+1, 1:J]
yrand <- r[1:I, J+1]
condy <- joint/yrand
condx <- t(t(joint)/xrand)
cat("Bedingte Verteilung gegen y:\n"); print(round(condy,digits)); cat("\n")
cat("Bedingte Verteilung gegen x:\n"); print(round(condx,digits)); cat("\n")
exp.ind <- N * outer(yrand,xrand)#- Expected under INDEPendence: n * p_i * p_j
cat("Freiheitsgrade: df =",df,"\n")
cat("Chi^2 - Annahmebereich: [0,", round(qchisq(0.95,df),1),
"] (alpha=0.05)\n\n\n", sep = "")
test.chisq <- sum((as.matrix(table2)-exp.ind)^2/exp.ind)
cat("Testwerte unter der Unabhaengigkeitshypothese:\n")
cat(" Test mit Chi^2: ",format(round(test.chisq,2)),
" (P-Wert: ",round(1-pchisq(test.chisq,df),4),")\n",sep = "")
is.pos <- table2 != 0
test.deviance <- 2*sum(table2[is.pos]*log(table2[is.pos]/exp.ind[is.pos]))
cat(" Test mit Devianz: ",format(round(test.deviance,2)),
" (P-Wert: ",round(1-pchisq(test.deviance,df),4),")\n\n",sep = "")
invisible(list(p.condx = condx, p.condy = condy, expected.indep = exp.ind,
df = df, chisq.test = test.chisq, deviance = test.deviance))
catCon <- function(mat, digits = 3)
##-- "CAT CONtingency table" mit RAND-SUMMEN + "Verzierung"
##-- Korrigiert fuer UNsymmetr. Kont.tafeln und stark vereinfacht: M.Maechler
## Gibt Resultat zurueck !
##>>> Hilfsfunktion fuer 'printTable2' <<<
mat <- as.matrix(mat)
d <- dim(mat); N <- d[1]; M <- d[2]
mat <- rbind(cbind(mat, mat %*% rep(1, M)),
c(rep(1,N) %*% mat, sum(mat)))
out <- format(round(mat, digits))
"--" <- paste(rep("-", max(nchar(out))), collapse = "")
out <- cbind(rbind(out, get("--")), "|")
print(out[c(1:N,N+2,N+1), c(1:M,M+2,M+1)], quote = FALSE)
invisible(mat) #--- die erweiterte Matrix --
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