[R] tcltk - text widget with a scrollbar?

Michael A. Miller mmiller3 at iupui.edu
Tue Aug 13 20:03:29 CEST 2002

>>>>> "John" == John Zhang <jzhang at jimmy.harvard.edu> writes:

    > The following code should work:

> library(tcltk)
> top <- tktoplevel()
> mytext <- tktext(top)
> myscr <- tkscrollbar(top, command = function (...) tkyview(...))
> tkconfigure(mytext, yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(myscr, ...))
> tkpack(myscr, side = "right", fill = "y")
> tkpack(mytext, fill = "both", expand = TRUE)

Thanks John,

That almost works.  When I run your code and populate the text
widget with 

  for ( i in seq(100) ) {
    tkinsert(mytext,'end', paste(i,'lots of text\n'))

I can scroll around in the widget with my scroll mouse, but using
the mouse on the scroll bar slider produces this sort of error:

Error in structure(.External("dotTcl", ..., PACKAGE = "tcltk"), class = "tclObj") : 
        [tcl] invalid command name "moveto".

Mousing on the other parts of the scroll bar produces this error:

Error in structure(.External("dotTcl", ..., PACKAGE = "tcltk"), class = "tclObj") : 
        [tcl] invalid command name "moveto".


P.S. Here's my version info:

platform i386-pc-linux-gnu
arch     i386             
os       linux-gnu        
system   i386, linux-gnu  
major    1                
minor    5.1              
year     2002             
month    06               
day      17               
language R                

> library(help=tcltk)
tcltk           Interface to Tcl/Tk


Package: tcltk
Version: 1.5.1
Priority: base
Title: Tcl/Tk Interface
Author: R Development Core Team
Maintainer: R Core Team <R-core at r-project.org>
Description: Interface and Language Bindings to Tcl/Tk GUI elements
License: GPL Version 2 or later.

I get the same error messages when I try this with a windows R:
> R.version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch     i386           
os       mingw32        
system   i386, mingw32  
major    1              
minor    5.1            
year     2002           
month    06             
day      17             
language R             
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