[R] R for handheld linux device

Albrecht Gebhardt albrecht.gebhardt at uni-klu.ac.at
Mon Sep 24 16:40:45 CEST 2001

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Stuart Leask wrote:

> Hi there. Is anyone compiling a version of R for a handheld linux device eg.
> Agenda VR3? (See http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~acedil1/agenda/general.shtml... )
> The idea of a pocketable device one could work up R syntax on (using subsets
> of data... during train journeys or overlong meetings...) is most appealing.

it is, indeed. 

I am trying a port to linux on iPAQ (see http://www.handhelds.org).

I already can compile it and run it, but it has some strange bugs yet.
It is far from passing a "make check".

One of the problems is, most of these little devices have no floating
point processing unit, so we have to use fpu emualation (this holds
especially for ARM based devices like the iPAQ). I believe this triggers
most of the bugs (e.g. for instance I can not plot, x11() devices have
strange plotting range parameters (Inf...).

Unfortunataly the latest version of R triggered an internal ARM g77
compiler error in the eigen.f routine and I have no solution for it yet.

Currently I am waiting for the next release of the handhelds
(http://www.handhelds.org) linux distribution (debian based)
to start from scratch again. I think it is also possible that my
installation has a glibc version problem, because I took the basic
distribution from www.handhelds.org and added development stuff from
debian-arm to it.

If you want to look at some first screenshots:



// Albrecht Gebhardt          Tel.: (++43 463) 2700/3118
// Institut fuer Mathematik   Fax : (++43 463) 2700/3198
// Universitaet Klagenfurt    mailto:albrecht.gebhardt at uni-klu.ac.at
// Universitaetsstr. 65       http://www-stat.uni-klu.ac.at/~agebhard
// A-9020 Klagenfurt, Austria 

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